Nine new currencies!

Today, we added 9 new currencies into the WeSwap mix  - check out our newest additions...

8 June 2016

How to do London on a budget: from someone who lives in London

Yes, London can be a bit pricey.  In fact, it’s recently been listed as the priciest place to live in the world, but all that really means is that those of us lucky (or daft) enough to live, sleep and work in the Big Smoke know a lot about doing things on the cheap. I’d even...

8 June 2016

Moving to Berlin: Everything You Need to Know

Without a doubt, Berlin is a top contender for the crown of ‘most exciting city on the planet’. Boasting an undeniably artsy vibe, a very affordable lifestyle and an all-night party scene, there’s no better place to be for creative types the world over. So, if the German capital is the only place you want...

8 June 2016

“It flew like a wingless pigeon”: 15 Brilliant Brazilian Football Expressions

It is said that when Brazil lost to Uruguay in the final of the 1950 World Cup the entire nation mourned. The heartbreak was so profound that a name was created for the disaster - the "Maracanaço" - in much the same way as an earthquake or hurricane might be titled. Such is the fundamental...

8 June 2016

An End to Armrest Wars? 6 Innovations Tackling Travel Nuisances

Travelling is, for the most part, quicker, easier and smoother than it ever has been before. And yet, despite countless advancements in design and technology over the last decade or so, there are some travel challenges that just seem set on sticking around. While we’ve still got a bit of a way to go before...

8 June 2016

Cycling holidays: Advice for first timers

Cycling: it’s cheap, green and good for your health. And it’s also a great way to get out and absorb all that a country has to offer. Moving relatively slowly, without barriers, cyclists can get immersed in a country’s detail, and experience a quieter side that tourists rarely get to see.

8 June 2016

25 ideas to keep kids entertained on long journeys

Kids aren’t really designed to sit still for long periods, but travel is just one of those knotty times when you need to try to make it happen. From digital devices to old-fashioned family fun, here are 25 ideas to help keep them amused en route.

8 June 2016

7 Incredible Destinations for Kids: Part 2 – The Americas

Live like cowboys and wranglers for a week, be an astronaut for a day or channel your inner Tarzan in the treetops of the jungle - Part 2 of our series on amazing holiday destinations for kids looks at some of the best the Americas have to offer.

8 June 2016

7 Incredible Destinations for Kids: Part 1 – Europe

“Look kids, no fibreglass!” While Disneyland and the Harry Potter studios are all very well and good, nothing compares to these real-life attractions for getting kids wide-eyed with wonder.

8 June 2016
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